
8 Questions Interviewers Should Be Asking

When it comes to interviewing advice, the articles are endless. But what happens when you’re on the other side of the table—not as the interviewee but as the interviewer? Here are 8 questions all interviewers should ask.

1. Could you describe the best manager you’ve reported to?

No matter what the answer to this may be, it can tell you a lot about potential candidates and how well they may work within your team’s dynamic.

2. What motivates you?

Again, this question can help you get to the heart of the matter and learn more about the candidate’s personality.

3. What frustrates you, and how do you handle or approach those frustrations?

Frustration, especially in the workplace, happens. It’s how we handle it that counts.

4. Can you share specifics on a time that you have failed? What did you learn from the experience? 

Everyone has shortcomings and is bound to fail at some point in their professional lives. While sharing a failure isn’t the first thing a potential candidate will want to do, it provides a chance for a truly authentic and impactful answer—the most important part being the lessons such failures allowed.

5. What is the most important attribute of a successful person? Do you think you have that attribute?

The definition of success varies from person to person—it can be a good question to establish someone’s values and determine whether those values match those of your company and its culture.

6. What will make you love coming to work here every day?

Every company wants employees who are engaged in their work. Knowing the expectations of potential employees can help you know whether or not they would be a good fit for your company.

7. What’s the accomplishment—professional or personal—you are most proud of?

This really allows the candidate to shine while showcasing their values. It also prompts for a specific example, which is always helpful when trying to find the best fit for a certain role.

8. Do you have any questions for me?

Be sure to turn over the floor to the interviewee by allowing them to ask their questions about the position or the company. Not only is this incredibly useful to them, but it can also tell you more about a candidate and their interest level.


Of course, many more questions could be added to this list—like questions related to the specific role and experience needed. This list, however, contains some vital questions that can help you learn more about any candidate’s character and working habits. Happy interviewing!



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