
As the talent wars continue, offering employees a breakroom to unwind and connect is critical. Consider these on-trend ways to create an environment that inspires creativity, boosts productivity and enhances the employee experience.

How to Choose a Breakroom Layout

Breakroom Size

If you don’t already have a space selected, it’s important to determine an ideal breakroom size. General guidance for breakroom design is 75 square feet plus 25 square feet per seated person. That seems like a lot, but people generally expect about a 5x5 area of personal space to relax without feeling overcrowded.

Design Features

Due to budget constraints and space restrictions, it's important to determine priorities for your breakroom. Consider starting the design or redesign process by asking employees what breakroom features they prefer. Regardless of your breakroom’s specific attributes, you’ll want to ensure adequate seating, kitchen basics like microwaves, refrigerators, coffee makers, and toasters, and access to power outlets and charging stations for electronic devices.

One popular solution to device charging is seating with integrated USB and 3-prong charging outlets. These chairs make it easier for your team to charge, use the device, and relax at the same time. You also won’t see wires crisscrossing the floor.

Other Layout Ideas

If space and weather permit, consider an outdoor breakroom or including digital detox zones for employees to recharge without the distraction of technology. For a cutting-edge breakroom layout, you could also consider:

  • A breakroom entertainment zone. This could include games, TV screens or reading corners. We even see more modern or tech-industry folks populating their breakrooms with video games and gaming chairs.

  • Bringing the outside in. Including natural elements like plants or natural light can create a relaxing environment. For a lower maintenance option, you can go with artificial greenery.

  • Bulletin boards make an excellent addition to an office breakroom.

Choosing Breakroom Furniture

Furniture Types

While breakroom seating and tables are non-negotiables, there are several other breakroom furniture types to consider. Storage cabinets, coat racks, acoustic dividers and other furniture items can enhance your breakroom and give employees a reprieve from the hours of sitting at their desks.

Furniture Styles

Whether you're designing a breakroom that feels modern, industrial, traditional or something else, it’s important to choose a breakroom furniture color scheme and aesthetic that aligns with your company’s brand and promotes a positive atmosphere. Warm colors (reds, oranges, yellow) are said to stimulate energy and happiness while cool colors (blues, greens, purples) are soothing and calming.

Other Furniture Ideas

To meet changing needs and preferences, consider flexible furniture that can be stacked, stored, and rearranged. Here are a few more ideas for breakroom office furniture:

  • Comfortable seating. This includes less-common breakroom options like lounge chairs or cushioned benches.

  • Breakroom storage cabinets are essential for storing plates, utensils, kitchen supplies and more.

  • Space dividers can provide more options for your breakroom.


Team Activities

Breakrooms are common venues for team activities. If you’d like to design a multipurpose breakroom, consider an open layout that encourages free movement and versatile seating that can be easily rearranged. Collaborative features like whiteboards, pin-up boards, and technology integration also make great additions.

Take Food and Drink into Consideration

Durable, Washable Furniture

While sinks, refrigerators and microwaves are important in well-functioning breakrooms, it’s also important to consider furnishings that support these uses. Furnishings that are finished in polyurethane, often called faux leather, and vinyl are popular choices for breakroom furniture upholstery as both options are easy to clean.

The Rivet collection is a great example here.

Other Ideas

Break up typical four-top tables with high-top tables and barstools, lounge-style seating options, or both. Mixing and matching table heights creates a dynamic space - tall tables are great for quick connects, while standard height options invite longer, more personal conversations. 

To ensure employees can seamlessly use the breakroom to eat and drink, you may also consider:

  • Utensils and tableware. Plates, bowls and utensils for eating and cups or mugs for beverages make for an easy-to-use breakroom.

  • Water station. Whether it’s a simple sink or a water dispenser or water cooler, ensuring employees have access to drinking water is key.


Breakrooms can be the antidote to burnout, offering a venue for board or card games, foosball, pool tables, gaming consoles or even yoga. Once you have a feel for your employees’ recreational preferences, you can tailor the breakroom accordingly. Consider using furniture, rugs, or portable partitions to clearly define and separate areas for different activities.

As you embark on your breakroom design project, it’s wise to ask employees what features they prefer. Then, survey your breakroom’s layout, furniture and desired uses to design a breakroom that helps to attract and retain top talent.


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