
Organizations today are focusing on and investing in training and upskilling initiatives to help address skills gaps in their workforce, show commitment to their employees’ growth, and boost attraction and retention efforts. And, with that, they need to have spaces designed to support these in-person programs and get the most out of their efforts.   


We asked NBF expert Anna Reedy (AR), an esteemed Account Executive, to talk about the benefits of in-person training and how to design a space to achieve them. Join us as we explore how to set up a training room to get the most out of your organization’s in-person training programs with tips from one of NBF’s furniture experts.  


Why Is It Important for Businesses Today to Have a Thoughtfully Designed Training Space? 

AR: I think we both know the hybrid work environment is probably here to stay. So when employees are in the office, we want to make sure that they have the tools and necessary furniture in the training room to be successful. Ultimately, I think that'll set the stage for employee growth and organizational success. 

Benefits of In-Person Training and How to Design a Space to Support These Initiatives 

Interviewer: When we think about setting up a training space today, it's important to think about the benefits that in-person training can bring and then design a space that allows you to deliver on those benefits.  


We know that the key benefits of in-person training include hands-on, dynamic learning, team building and the ability to retain focus and attention. 

Benefit #1: Hands-on, Dynamic Learning  

Interviewer: Anna, how would you design a training space that supports hands-on, dynamic learning? 


AR: I think it's important that the space is versatile, that it's flexible. There's many different things that will be happening [in this space], whether it be a training [session], a [guest] speaker [event] [or] a team-building activity – there are different things that will be happening within the training room space.

So making sure that you have tables that flip and nest, chairs that maybe flip and nest or are on casters – allowing the employees to move the furniture around when they're in the space – can be very helpful. 

Benefit #2: Team Building 

Interviewer: In-person training programs provide an opportunity for team building, and this is especially important if you're not seeing each other face-to-face as often. 


Anna, what advice do you have for outfitting a training room that supports team building? 


AR: With team building, typically people are bringing in food, [and] we're having some type of celebration or maybe a training session. So I think it is imperative to make sure that [the] textiles on your chairs are cleanable [and] wipeable so that they can sustain over the long term. 


Also, a lot of times if we're doing [something] like a lunch or whatnot, it is helpful to have like a credenza or some type of storage unit – I do see that out in the field a lot. 


We (NBF experts) like to incorporate some type of storage within the training room, just so if we want to store water, soda or just different media equipment. It helps to kind of keep everything looking nice and tidy in the space. 

Benefit #3: Focus Retention

Interviewer: Another benefit to in-person training is that you can engage and hold attention with your attendees, typically better than virtual sessions.  


What tips do you have for setting up a training room to promote focus and engagement? 


AR: Your space does play a key role in holding your attendees' attention in a training room space. 


It’s important that the attendees can see the visual aids, whether it be someone presenting up at the front – or if you're doing a brainstorming session that they can see the whiteboards or glass boards on the side of the room. 


And then also, I think just making sure that attendees are comfortable. So, [making sure that attendees] in the chairs that they're not too cramped and they feel comfortable within this space, I think are very important elements. 

Building the Business Case for Investing in Training Rooms 

Interviewer: As a final takeaway, what would you say to a company that's thinking about creating or updating a training space, but maybe the cost is holding them back? 


AR: Keep in mind that it is more than just a training room space. It can be a place for a conference, maybe a seminar, maybe a team-building experience. 


But it is far more than just a training room space – [it’s a space] that does serve multiple functions. 


It is an investment, but it is an investment in your team to then pay dividends over the long term. 

Connect With NBF Pros Like Anna  

NBF brings together a collaborative team dedicated to supporting and guiding you in finding the perfect workspace solution for next-level results. With nearly 50 years of leadership expertise in Business, Government, Healthcare and Education environments, we are your trusted partner in meeting your organization's precise needs.  

Connect with NBF professionals, such as Anna, today to discover the power and potential of your workspace.

Connect With NBF Pros Like Anna  

NBF brings together a collaborative team dedicated to supporting and guiding you in finding the perfect workspace solution for next-level results. With nearly 50 years of leadership expertise in Business, Government, Healthcare and Education environments, we are your trusted partner in meeting your organization's precise needs.  

Connect with NBF professionals, such as Anna, today to discover the power and potential of your workspace.