
When it comes to implementing good ergonomics in the workplace, most people instantly think of an ergonomic chair, an adjustable height desk, or even a footrest. But what about the position of your computer monitor? If you’re like most office employees, you use your desktop computer for hours on end every day, but is it set to the most comfortable possible level? Take a look at these quick tips for achieving good positioning of your monitor!

Find the Correct Height

The top of your computer monitor should be about 2” higher than your eye level when seated (or standing at a stand-up desk). If your company doesn’t provide adjustable monitor stands, you can achieve the correct height by standing your monitor on a small stack of books. If you have dual monitors, they should be the same size, set at the same height, and as close together as possible to avoid eye and neck strain. Make sure that both screens are set at the same resolution so that your eyes won’t need to readjust every time you move from one monitor to the next. 

Adjust the Brightness of Your Screen

Speaking of screen resolution, make sure that your screen isn’t too bright. Just because your company sets your monitor at a certain brightness doesn’t mean you need to look at that all the time. Staring at a computer monitor all day can cause serious eye strain, so dimming the brightness can help you stay awake and focused.

Don’t Sit Too Close

Remember when your parents used to tell you not to sit so close to the TV? The same goes for your computer. You shouldn’t be hunched over your desk to get as close to your screen as possible, and you shouldn’t be leaning far back into your task chair. The ideal distance from your monitor is about the length of your arm.

Tilt Your Monitor Up or Down

As you read an email or an article online, you shouldn’t need to strain your neck as you read toward the bottom of the page. Tilt your monitor up or down so that your downward viewing angle is no less than 60 degrees.

Keeping your computer screens in the proper position will set you up for success in staying comfortable at your desk. Whether sitting or standing, your monitors should always be in the right place while you work.



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