
Get ready—January is National Organizational Month! Set yourself up for success by creating an inspiring and functional space that's optimized for efficiency, productivity, and workplace happiness. Take this time to get a fresh start in your office because everybody deserves a clutter-free workspace. Download our free Clear the Clutter eBook to learn more!

Keep It Simple, Silly

It's easy for filing cabinets to go totally off the rails—and we're not just talking about lateral file glides. Out of sight doesn't mean out of mind, and a simple and streamlined file cabinet can save precious time while working with printed materials.

  • First, make sure that every file matters. When you can, go digital, and hold off on printing out unnecessary pages that will only take up valuable storage space. Trim the fat from time to time and keep only the must-haves. Invest in a desktop scanner to keep unnecessary pages from finding their way into an overstuffed cabinet.

  • Once you're back to basics, set up and stick with a consistent naming convention that's adaptable to all sorts of sorting. Simplicity is key in order to keep critical information highly visible and easy to access. More importantly, ensure that this is a convention you can stick with so you don't need to undergo another relabeling project after mismatched files get the best of you.

Make it even easier to find the right files by subdividing drawers into smaller sections with intuitive and targeted focuses. Be careful to avoid over-sorting that causes an abundance of excess folders and unnecessary clutter that can only complicate an otherwise easy sorting system.


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